Mysql list stored procedures
Mysql list stored procedures

mysql list stored procedures
  1. Mysql list stored procedures how to#
  2. Mysql list stored procedures code#

The code for the BlogRepository interface is this.īlogRepository package At runtime, Spring Data JPA provides implementations of the repository interfaces you create.

mysql list stored procedures

In Spring Data JPA, repositories are interfaces that declare database operations. We will now create the Spring Data JPA repository interface.

  • REF_CURSOR: for cursors on a result set.
  • The stored procedure modifies and returns back the parameter to the caller.

    mysql list stored procedures

    This parameter is initialized by the caller. INOUT: is a combination of IN and OUT parameters.You can use four different modes of parameters to implement a stored procedure: The second annotation on Line 9 specifies the mode, name, and type of the parameter to be passed to the stored procedure. The procedureName attribute specifies the name of the stored procedure to call. In a annotation, the name attribute specifies the name of the query. Notice that the annotation groups both the annotations. In the preceding Blog class, there are two annotations. Import = "getAllBlogs",procedureName = "getBlogsByTitle", procedureName = "getBlogsByTitle", parameters = ParameterMode.IN,name = "tblogTitle",type=String.class)} )}) To use this annotation, I have refactored the Blog entity class, like this.ī package Approach 1 – AnnotationĪ defines a query that calls stored procedures as named queries. The next step is to call the stored procedure. The getAllBlogs procedure takes no parameter and returns all the records of the blog table. I have used MySQL Workbench to create a stored procedure named getAllBlogs. You can run the preceding stored procedure using a MySQL client. The SQL code of a stored procedure to retrieve all blogs is this.

    mysql list stored procedures

    The next step is to create a stored procedure to be referred to from the entity class. The application contains a Blog entity class.ī class Blog = long String Integer yearOfPost I will demonstrate calling stored procedures with a Spring Boot application with the controller, service, and repository layers. Ĭalling Stored Procedure from Spring Boot Example Dependencyįor the application in this post, add the Spring Data JPA starter and the MySQL connecter dependency in your Maven pom.xml file.

    Mysql list stored procedures how to#

    In this post, I will explain how to call MySQL stored procedures from a Spring Boot application. Stored procedures allow reusability of SQL code. In Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), a stored procedure is a batch of prepared SQL code grouped as a logical unit that you store in the database.

    Mysql list stored procedures